Discovery Bible Study Essentials

Discovery Bible Study Essentials

The Discovery Bible Study format is a very simple inductive Bible study method that is being used around the world.

As a leader, you will facilitate the study by asking questions and drawing people into the conversation. It is truly a Discovery Bible Study. As the leader, you are a co-learner with the group, not the expert. Please contribute to the conversation by sharing your own stories. But remember that your main roles are to be a facilitator and co-learner. Be sure to draw out the quieter participants in your group too. If you’d like, you can share the facilitation responsibilities with different small group members over the course of the study. 

Rules of Etiquette

Your group will enjoy talking about what they are discovering in Scripture. As you do, we’ve found it helpful to remind one another of two simple rules.

  • When you share, try to keep your sharing short by speaking in sentences.

  • If you’ve been around Scripture or church for long, you will be tempted to bring insights you have gleaned from other books or sermons you have heard on the Scripture. You may also be reminded of other passages in Scripture and want to add those to the discussion. But by sticking to the Scriptures read during the group time, we are practicing a way of studying Scripture that allows everyone in the conversation to engage on a level playing field, no matter their history with faith, Scripture, or religion. We practice this in our groups so we will be ready to engage scripture with our neighbors.